A start-up event of a travel industry will be held at 01Booster who is famous for accelerator program which matches startups with enterprises to creates new business. Our company representative Sawano will be following the contents below. He will talk about that day from the perspective of cross cultural innovation using culture gap.




URL: https://01booster.com/events/89

Date and time: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 18: 30 opening / start at 19: 00

Venue: 01Booster 4F “01Garage”

Participation fee: 1000 yen (foods and drinks included)

18: 30 Opening reception

General Chair Tomokawa Tomoyuki 01Booster

19: 00-19: 15 “Introduction of 01Booster”

Goda George / 01 Booster Co-Representative

19: 15-19: 30 “Cross culture innovation / changing the region of Japan from a global perspective”

Keijiro Sawano  Representative of Heartland Japan & Representative, CEO & Founder of Liberta Inc.

19: 30-19: 45 “Air Profits” for private residence

Rui Okada  CEO of Samurai International Co., Ltd.

19: 45 – 20: 00 “Inbound system media (tentative)” being adjusted

20: 00-20: 15 “Administrative efforts (temporary)” being adjusted

20: 15 – Networking